Burning Spirit Cannot be Crushed

Hello Everyone,

If you have seen the news of late you would know most of my country – Australia is up in flames! This battle has been going on for some time now. Many towns, families and memories have been lost. It is a hard time for us all right now. To help combat the heat and get an early start on some Australia Day ideas I thought it best to not talk about the typical BBQs and sausage frying. Enough of the country has been fried as it is!

On a healthier note, and brighter note if you haven’t thought about your ideas for Australia Day then perhaps this could help. A salad! Fresh and healthy for you internally, and visually appealing to your senses. I have entitled this salad “green and gold salad”. Australia’s sporting teams often wear green and gold – something to look forward to again as this year there will be another Olympics (in Japan)!

I think this green and gold salad depicts the attitude of the Australian, which is a fighting kind of spirit. Not in a bad way, but one that doesn’t give up when times are tough. One that sticks by to others who are in unfortunate circumstances, and a spirit who is there to help.

With the raging bushfires many Australians have taken up the courage to help, and these volunteer fire-fighters have it tough! There have already been many sad stories, but the courage and bravery of these individuals will live forward.

It is in the hard times we all find out who we really are. Next time something difficult comes your way, don’t dread it or cower away in fear, look at it as an opportunity to learn more about yourself. This is like the Christian lifestyle, whereby our faith is challenged through different encounters. Evermore our God is strong and helps us through all events. I continue to pray for rain and deliverance for those suffering these bushfire attacks on our country and may each of these people find the Lord Almighty along the way. If you are blessed to have a Bible nearby I encourage you to read Psalm 34 in full to gain encouragement, but for those who don’t, I leave these short sections with you from a few verses. (This is from the Passion Translation version.)

1)      Lord! I am bursting with joy over what you’ve done for me! My lips are full of perpetual praise. 2) I’m boasting of you and all your works, so let all who are discouraged take heart. 3) Join me, everyone! Let’s praise the Lord together. Let’s make him famous! Let’s make his name glorious to all. 4) Listen to my testimony: I cried to God in my distress and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears! …
Then in verse 18 continues,
The Lord is close to all who’s hearts are crushed by pain, and he is always ready to restore the repentant one. 19) Even when bad things happen to the good and godly ones, the Lord will save them and not let them be defeated by what they face.
Although Australia is in hardship, there is always hope. In this case the hope for rain and renewal of our land, and in our hearts, I believe.

For now, may our mouths be refreshed from the goodness of the salad I mentioned before. It is a simple salad, simply add any vegetable that is in the colours of yellow and green. Layer them to make a greater effect. Add any edible flowers on top as garnish.  

I hope you all have a blessed week ahead and I will share with you all again soon.

Much love, Lenita.


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